Four weeks has flown by! Successes and struggles continue. My boob is doing so much better. The bruising has ALMOST completely resolved. I have slight pain and itching to the incisions under my breast. I’m out of my compressions more than I’m in them. Sports bras are AMAZING! It’s so odd to not HAVE to have an under wire bra. My incisions are so awesome. I’m beyond pleased with their progress. My surgeon did such an amazing job! On the flip, I tried going a whole shift at work (10+ hours) with no compressions and I discovered new pains! On my right arm, I feel tightness and a poking sensation. And you can see bumps proximal to my incision. And guess what? They are my internal sutures trying to kill me from the inside out! Bastards. Oh man. It’s torturous. I called my doc who told me they are semi permanent sutures and will take 4-5 months to dissolve! Ugh. Until then, he told me to take it easy, to realize that I’m still healing and to rub the bumps in an attempt to move the sutures (Ouch!). Which I did trrrrry but it hurts and it doesn’t help. Bleh. So, at work, I have been wearing my compressions or a long sleeve shirt at work and that does help.

Skin problems: My elbows hurt. I have a patch of skin on both sides that ever so slightly hangs over my elbows when in full extension. It’s uncomfortable and my left one just constantly feels bruised; although, it isn’t. Then in the crease of my right arm pit is some extra skin. The best way I know to describe it is that it’s like this bunch of skin that is being CONSTANTLY pinched when my arm is down and, especially, when moving frequently. I have a follow up with my surgeon today to discuss these issues. He’s just gonna love me.

I’m feeling better about my body. I’m able to look at myself in the mirror and rub lotion/oil on my incisions without incidence of anxiety. I’m feeling more confident about the way that I look. This has been an ongoing struggle for me. It really is a constant battle. I am constantly having to check myself and others are having to as well. I have to really take a step back and look at the big picture. A friend said it best yesterday: “Jessica, you’re looking for perfection and there just isn’t”. She is so right and I’ve said it MANY times to other people. I’m really working on trying to be happy where I am right now. I’m at a healthy weight. My blood pressure is normal. My heart rate has gone from resting rate of 90-100 to 65-75! I’m the smallest I’ve ever been. I feel good. I have more energy than I’ve even had in my entire life. I can, literally, do sooo many things I’ve never been able to do.
I’m a very goal oriented person. I like structure and I like to have a plan. Some may call me neurotic but, eh, it’s part of my charm. So, new goals; new, non-number goals. All my life it’s been “if I could just get under 300 lbs; under 200 lbs; under 175lbs” “if only I could lose 20lbs; 50 lbs; 100lbs; 175lbs” “if only I could shop in the regular section” “if only I wasn’t out of breath walking at walmart”–well, hey, done. Next! I’m looking towards my big surgery: 360 abdominoplasty. I’ve resolved that I will not rush this as I had anticipated doing. My boss said it best when she told me “you have the rest of your life to look the way you want to look”. Truth. While I recognize this, I’m also ready to be done. Ya know? I’m ready to be done with this chapter. I’ve decided to focus my energy on feeling the best I can; focusing on toning my body and getting it ready.
A bariatric surgery friend of mine had a tummy tuck without muscle tightening (which is when they stitch your abdominal muscles together) which is fairly standard, especially during tummy tucks of the female patient. She reports having better results and less recovery. This is the ideal. I asked her how she prepared and she did 200 crunches for 1 year. That night, I started doing 200 crunches! Ouch. Talk about burn. {Although, now that I think of it–maybe I should increase it to 250 since I only have about 9 months.} But that’s my new plan and goal.
Toning what I have. I’m not a cardio junkie. Okay let’s be real here, I LOATHE exercise but I recognize and respect the importance of it’s incorporation into a healthy lifestyle and body! My amazing girlfriend is doing it with me Yay us. I’ve, also, started doing some arm exercises (just with 2 lb weights–that feel like 8 lb weights on these weak arms).
Looking forward: should be (hopefully) coming off of my weight restrictions soon. March is a big month for me: new semester at school, Lisa and I’s anniversary, Paul and I’s wedding anniversary, my 30th birthday and our Bahamas trip! I’m already feeling the effects of my emotions. I expect them to heighten. I just hope I can control them.