Oh man. The last several weeks have been crazy insane between coming off restriction, taking over dad’s health care and starting school. I feel like I’ve been going 90 to nothing. I haven’t really had a chance to decompress. Although, on Thursday I leave for Seattle to see my bestie! I’m pretty darn excited about that.
I can’t believe it but last week marked 1 year post op of my brachioplasty and my mastopexy. And, also, the anniversary of this blog. Yay.

I can’t say enough how happy I am with my results. It is truly amazing to not have my bat wings. I’ve had them for forever and I can tell you, whole-heartedly, that I don’t miss them. Not a bit! A year later, I enjoy wearing strapless or sleeveless tops most any time I can; before, going braless was not an option and now I prefer it; bras are way easy to find in my size 36C; no worries about black eyes with cardio; no contorting my body to hide my arms in pictures; and, best yet, I actually have some muscle that you can see. My scars are healing nicely. My arm scars don’t bother me at all (even when people, yes strangers, ask me what happened). The only scar that is still a little red and raised in the inner incision on both breasts. I am not diligent about putting on my silicone gel. I plan to work on that though. But, man, check out this comparison:

I am now 10 weeks post op of my lower body lift (360 abdominoplasty). I wanted to give you a bit a of an update. My incisions are all healed. There’s like 2 or three spots along my incision that have a tip of a suture poking out. Although, of course, it is on my back side so I can’t clip it. I’m so happy with my results thus far. This last weekend I was able to put on a pair of size 6 jeans (they were huggin these thighs but hey..) and I didn’t have a muffin top! Like whhhaattt? It was crazy. I just love it.
Since being released from restriction, I picked up exercising again after a 8 week hiatus. It was hard. My abdominal muscles wanted to cry. I started back at the C25K which is 3 days a week and Jillian Michaels on the off days. I’m doing the running on my treadmill. The first couple times, it really hurt my booty. So I put some compression shorts on and that really helped. I also wear my waist trainer as well which holds everything in. We all know that I’m not a runner and I don’t know why but in my mind…running is synonymous with healthy. So I just always have this desire to be a runner even though I hate it. On the flip, exercising without a pannus slapping against your thighs is kinda hard to believe. It allows me to really focus what I’m actually doing rather than on the sound that my belly flop is making. I’m working my way up. And yesterday, I was able to jog 6 minutes straight at 3.4 mph without dying. C25k told me to jog for 3 minutes but I was like I can totally keep going. I’ve been up to as high as 4.0 but not for that long. I almost feel embarrassed to share these numbers. But I also think it’s important to show what goes into leading a healthy lifestyle.
I continue to struggle with the scale. I know I KNOW…put it up. For all of my forever, that number has defined me. What a terrible way to live. It’s just ingrained in me. I told Lisa that I think I’ll put it up again because that scale hates me. I thought that taking that skin off would equate to a loss of pounds but I haven’t seen that happen. What I’ve seen is a 2 lb gain since beginning my workouts. Which I know that that is probably muscle but it still sucks. So I’m taking frequent progress pictures so that I can compare them.

Im dying for that ab. Just the one.
I’ve been missing my Paul something fierce. I’ve had a few restless nights and a few mornings filled with tears. I had a story that I wanted to share about a conversation that I had with another lady but I think I’ll go into that another day because I AM EXHAUSTED at this moment.
You guys…make it count. Love you life.